By signing below I grant permission for my child to attend the field listed on the registration page. I understand my child will be traveling by bus and will be chaperoned by school staff members and volunteers. I have reviewed the itinerary and activities planned for the trip.
In the event of an emergency, I authorize the trip chaperones to obtain medical treatment for my child. I agree to be financially responsible for any costs related to such treatment.
I understand that participation in this field trip involves inherent risks. On behalf of myself and my child, I assume these risks and agree to release and hold harmless the school and its employees from any and all claims or liability arising out of my child's participation. I do not release the School Board from its own employee's negligent acts.
I have provided up-to-date emergency contact and medical information for my child to the school office. I agree to notify them promptly of any changes prior to the trip date.
I understand that the school's rules, regulations and policies apply during the trip. I have discussed the behavior expectations with my child.
I have read all of the above and fully understand and agree to these terms.