B.L.A.M. stands for Be Like Aunt Martha. Aunt
Martha is Mr. Dulka’s aunt who was born with Down Syndrome and faced many
obstacles in life. Through it all she taught important life lessons.
Love unconditionally
2. Smile daily
Never give up
Always do your best.
The BLAM challenge is one that encourages a
difference to be made in peoples’ lives by doing small things. Everyone has an “Aunt
Martha” who has inspired them to be who they are and drive to be better. It’s
time to use that to make a difference in our community and world.
T-Shirts will cost $10.00. There will be a $1.14
convenience fee for using Local Level.
* Anything larger than XL should be done by email with Mr. Dulka cdulka@newlondon.k12.oh.us*