Saturday, March 1, 2025, 11 AM
at the Aladdin Shrine Center
Changes to Tabloid last year have resulted in new methods of fundraising. Make sure you join us for this fundraising (including Tabloid) training session.
Open to ALL Nobles. We ask that you register on Local Level so we're prepared with enough training materials for everyone.
Pizza will be provided.
I agree not to hold the Aladdin Shriners; Shriners International, an Iowa Corporation; Shriners Hospitals for Children, a Colorado Corporation; Aladdin Shriners Holding Corporation; and Aladdin Shriners Hospital Association for Children, Inc., their officers, employees, members and appendant and/or affiliated entities responsible for any theft, accidents, or any other claims. I will not be permitted to bring any items with flammable materials, and I will not bring any firearm(s) to the event. I further understand that failure to comply will exclude me from future events at the Aladdin Shrine Center.