This one payment of $15 covers your student for grade level field trips for the 2024-25 school year.
7th grade- Juilfs Park, Cincinnati Zoo & Sycamore Park-River Explorer
8th grade- Juilfs Park, Cincinnati Museum Center(including omnimax, and Guided Holocaust & Humanity Center exhibit)
Chaperones -
7th Grade - Only need to pay 15 dollars if attending the Cincinnati Zoo and/or Sycamore Park-River Explorer. If you chaperone both the second trip is free. If chaperones are needed for Julifs Park then staff will reach out.
8th Grade - Only need to pay 15 dollars if attending the Cincinnati Museum Center(including omnimax, and Guided Holocaust & Humanity Center exhibit). If chaperones are needed for Julifs Park then staff will reach out.
*If a assistance is needed with a Chaperone payment please reach out to Lisa Snider @