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Green Oaks Yearbook Ads 2024-2025

Yearbook Ads for 2024-2025 Gusher 

  • Purchase a senior ad or business ad here.

    Ad materials (pictures and text) should be emailed to bdnichols@caddoschools.org by December 20th. 

    Business Ads:

  • Full Page $375
  • Half Page $250
  • One-Fourth Page $150
  • Business Card $80

    Senior Ads Discount until Friday October 1st :

  • Full Page $200
  • Half Page $175
  • One-Fourth Page $150

    Senior Ads After Friday October 1st :

  • Full Page $350
  • Half Page $245
  • One-Fourth Page $175

Green Oaks Performing Arts Academy
2550 Thomas E Howard Dr.
Shreveport,LA 71107
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