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Maize Elementary Latchkey- 2024-2025

Regular Latchkey Fees:  ALL payments are to be made on Fridays; this includes PFCC (Publicly Funded Child Care) in advance of the coming week. If no payment is received, your child may not attend until your account is brought current. There will be a $5.00 late fee assessed for any payment received after Friday at 6:00 p.m.Advance payments are accepted but must be paid ahead of any services rendered.

Please follow this fee schedule:



            AM ONLY -               $65.00 per week per child

            PM ONLY -                $70.00 per week per child

            BOTH AM & PM -     $85.00 per week per child


Late Pick-Up Fees:  Latchkey closes at 6:00 p.m. Late pick-ups will cost $1.00 per minute after 6:00 p.m. per family. These fees can be included in regular weekly fees but MUST be paid no later than Friday of the week the late pick-up occurred. In the event a late pick-up occurs on a Friday, the late pick-up fee is due no later than the following Friday. Once three late pick-ups occur for the same child, a child may be removed from the program.

Maize Elementary
4360 Maize Road
Columbus,OH 43224
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