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2024-2025: Eagles NEST Waitlist

UPDATE:  I am working with Local Levels as there is an issue with the website.  If you are unable to complete the online form, please email your waitlist request to shultzabergera@avoneagles.org and you will be manually added to the list.

Please complete the information to be added to our waitlist.  We will not add any additional spots to our program until after September 6th as we will need to monitor our daily numbers for 2 weeks. You will be contacted by the coordinator should a spot become available and have 24 hours to register your child before your spot is relinquished to the next patron on the list.  We have included a list of Alternate Before & After Care options in the meantime for you to explore.

Heritage North Elementary
35575 Detroit Road shultzabergera@avoneagles.org
Avon,OH 44011
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Before and After Care Alternative Options
