Parking permit sales will open at 9:00 a.m. on the following schedule:
Seniors – July 24 (Student ID# Required)
Seniors and Juniors – July 25 (Student ID# Required)
All grades – July 26 and beyond (No ID# Required)
Price: $10
Process to obtain a parking pass:
1. Students will choose two preferred parking zones. Zones are noted on the parking map and are as follows:
Zone 1 – Spots 1-36 (cars only)
Zone 2 – Spots 37-141 (center of the main lot – cars only)
Zone 3 – Spots 145-164 (trucks only – back row)
Zone 4 – Spots 165-195 (trucks only – front row)
2. The car only zones will be enforced. If your primary vehicle is a truck, you must park in the truck zones.
3. Each purchase on local level is assigned a ticket # - THIS IS NOT YOUR PARKING SPOT
4. Parking assignments will be issued by the office staff according to your Local Level Ticket # and your zone preference. All sales will be conducted online.
5. Visit the Local Level Events site through this link to start the permit process: Parking Permit Sales-Local Level Events The link will not be live until July 24, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
6. Each student is permitted to purchase ONE parking permit through the Local Level Online Sales System. For the first two days of the sale, the student will use their student ID (lunch number) to purchase a permit.
7. You must have your car license plate number, your driver’s license number, and your insurance information to enter into the Local Level System. Be sure to have it on hand when you start the process.
8. Students who drive trucks must choose a designated spot for trucks or they will be reassigned to the next available truck location.
*Student must possess a valid driver’s license. (No student may be issued a parking permit on their learner’s permit.)
1. Once school starts, students should park only in their assigned spot.
2. To be issued their validated parking hang tag, the student must present the following items to the cashier:
a. A completed Parking Permit Application
b. Their driver’s license
3. Student must present this documentation to the cashier no later than September 11 or the student will forfeit their priority parking privilege and will be reassigned to a parking spot outside of Zones 1-4.
No vehicle will be permitted on the school lot without the permit hang tag after September 12, 2024.
Your ticket # and your choice of preferred and secondary parking zone will be used by the HS office staff to determine your actual assigned parking spot.