2024 CTE Summer Academies
Academies begin at 8:30 am and we ask parents to come into the
building promptly at 3:30 pm to pick up their student(s).
** Lunch is provided
Cookies, Cakes, & Pies, Oh My!
June 13, 14 & 17-19 6th-8th grade
15 spots M. MacNaughton
Have you ever aspired to be a baker? Do you like to work with your hands to create tasty treats? In this camp, students will be introduced to the wonderful world of baking. They will learn about safety, sanitation, and specific baking techniques! The best part is they will take their creations home to share! ** NO SHORTS or OPEN-TOE SHOES
5 days $150
Summer of STEM
June 17th & 18th
20 spots
R. Case & M. Plonkey
Students will learn the fundamentals of
the engineering process through project-based learning. Students will
participate in an egg drop challenge, catapult challenge, make slime, and have
magnet fun.
$ 60
Pitch Perfect - Create-Market-Launch!
June 17th-20th 6th-7th Grade
June 24th-27th
8th-9th Grade
15 spots (for each age group) J.
Holladay and B. Holladay
Calling ALL young entrepreneurs!
A TWO-for-one type of camp! Learn about product design and the design
process, including ways to create a pitch deck to market your product or service.
In addition, you will learn about videography, editing, and commercial
production. End the week with a Shark Tank-style pitch that parents are
invited to!
$120 (for each academy)
Summer Crafts
June 19th-20th 6th-8th grade
20 spots R.
Roll up your sleeves and put on your creativity hat. This academy
allows you to expand your artistic abilities! You will be using your creative skills in Tie Dye, moon lamp, and Paper Mache projects, a moon lamp! Use items from your nature exploration to create art. In addition, we encourage you to experiment
with patterns, colors, and textures designing and decorating a flower pot using
paints and other art materials to add to your garden or home!
2 days $ 60
Go Cart Build
June 24th-28th 6th-8th grade *SOLD OUT*
24 spots
T. Wright, D.
Sullivan & A. Hoskins
Vroom, Vroom!
Working in small groups, students will
build go carts from the ground up. Beginning with braking, steering, and
suspension, the groups will then work on body panels and roll bars. They will
then add an engine, align the drive chain, and finish up. On the last day,
students will have the opportunity to drive the cart they build.
Parents will be invited in on Friday to
watch the driving experience
Intro to Cosmetology
July 23rd - 25th 6th and 7th grade *SOLD OUT*
July 30th - August 1st 8th and 9th grade *SOLD OUT*
10 spots available for each camp
M. Grossbauer
**Location – This summer academy is being held at Grondin’s in
Lapeer. Please be sure to drop your student off in the back of the
building at the following address:
Grondin’s College of Cosmetology
371 W. Nepessing St.
Lapeer, Mi. 48446 – Phone: 810-664-7683
Your student will learn the basics of
cosmetology. The first day will consist of facial shapes, hair maintenance,
styling, and color theory. Students will learn the art of shampooing using
mannequins, braiding, and curling. Moving into the second day, participants
will learn about nails by engaging in hands-on activities and performing
manicures and pedicures on each other. The final day will provide students with
knowledge about different skin types and treatments to best suit these types.
Students will perform facials on each other or on mannequins. Upon
completion of the camp, participants will be allowed to keep the mannequin
heads to practice and continue learning while at home!
$ 90 (for each academy)
**Registration is non-refundable due to withdrawal within 14
days prior to beginning date of the camp.
The Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of
religion, race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and
transgender identity), disability, age, marital or family status, genetic
information, height, weight, military status, ancestry, or any other
statutorily protected category (“collectively “Protected Classes”) in its
programs, activities, or employment. The following individuals have been
designated by the Board of Education as the District’s Compliance Officers to
handle inquiries regarding the District’s nondiscrimination, prohibition
against discrimination based on disability, and anti-harassment policies:
Michelle Proulx, Director of Special Education (student-related) or Ann M.
Schwieman, Director of Administrative Services and Personnel (staff-related)
1996 W. Oregon St., Lapeer, MI 48446 Phone: (810) 664-5917