Please complete this form to register for Summer School. Cloverleaf High School Summer Experience is open to all high school students who live in the Cloverleaf District. Please complete one form per student. Please make sure to complete the Emergency Medical Authorization Form through Final Forms prior to the start of Summer School. You will also need to review the Student Code of Conduct and electronically sign acknowledging that you have read it and reviewed it with your student.
The CHS Summer ExperienceAcademic Classes and Summer PE will be held 8:00am to 12:00pm June 3rd-June 27th (M,T, W,TH).
Summer School will be located in library at the Cloverleaf Elementary School
Students will attend each week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Parents will need to make sure students have a ride to and from school. Buses will NOT run for summer school.
Food and drinks are not provided. Students are encouraged to bring their breakfast, lunch, and drinks with them.
The CHS Summer Experience program will cover all academic areas of need. Students will be provided support by teachers in all subject levels.
Physical Education (Gr. 9-12) (.50 Credit) = $125.00
**Please be aware that additional fees may be required for Physical Education Class. Instructor will notify you. **
Academic Courses
$155.00 (per .50 Credit)
$205.00 (per 1.0 Credit)
It is the students responsibility to complete course work. Students and parents must realize that fees are nonrefundable.
Payment must be received in full by the first day of class.
Students who miss more than one required day of attendance will be removed from the class and not be granted credit. Punctuality is also expected. Two tardies to a class will be considered as one class absence.
It is important for students and their parents to plan summer activities before or after a summer school session. Family vacations will not be accepted as excused absences.
Violation of rules will result with DISMISSAL from summer school. Summer School Fees are non-refundable.