Pay the transportation fee for Avon High School's Winter Sports Club here!
Transportation Fee: $100 + transaction/processing fees
- This covers the cost for all 5 trips to Brandywine and is required to attend.
- The deadline for this fee is December 10.
Club Information:
We will be going to Brandywine on the following Tuesdays:
1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6
We will leave from the AHS Commons at 3:00pm and leave from Brandywine at 8:30pm.
Join the Google Classroom to stay up to date with club information
Classroom code: yulduq
Registration Information:
Registration will be online and through Boston Mills Brandywine for participants this season. The link to register is below:
- Using the link above, scroll down the page to where you see the 'Session' drop-down menu, and select the 5-Week duration option.
- Click 'Add to Cart'
- Click 'Checkout'
- Assign your participant to the product by selecting their name in the 'Assigned to' drop-down menu.
- Enter 'Contact Information'.
- Enter 'Medical Information'.
- Enter your group code BWAH5TUES in the 'Special Conditions' field
This group code is an important component to help us identify our local group during registration. Please take your time when entering this code and double check for accuracy.
- If you have additional special conditions you’d like to address, please add a space after the group code and enter any additional special conditions.
- Check the 'Release of Liability' box and click 'Address & Payment' to continue to the end of the checkout process.
- You'll receive an email confirmation for your order; please note that there will be a start date of 12/15 on that confirmation that should be ignored. We will communicate with you directly regarding the program start date and time.
Program Cost: $319 (taxes not included)
- This fee covers lessons, rentals, and lift access.
- If you do not need any of these things you meaning you have a season pass, gear, and are not going to take lessons, you do not have to purchase it.
- If you have a season pass for lift access, and would like to purchase ala carte options for club members you will need to contact BMBW preferably by email at You may also contact by phone or in person.
- Pricing Breakdown:
- Entire Slope Days Package - $319
- Lesson & Rental: $275
- Lessons ONLY: $150
- Registration opens on November 1.
- Registration closes on December 10.
- Parents/Guardians will register their child online & let the advisor know when registered.
Once complete, please email me:
- Student First Name & Last Name
- Confirmation Number