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Performing Arts Campaign for the Future

The faculty of the Anderson High School Performing Arts Departments (Vocal Arts, Band, Orchestra, and Theatre & Film), are once again embarking on a major push to improve our teaching and performance spaces. We strongly believe that these shared spaces should reflect the quality of our performances and the degree of excellence our students achieve.

This year we are focused on the various classroom spaces we use every day. Technical and facility improvements are needed for every Department, and we need you—parents, alumni, community partners, and patrons of the arts—to help us make this vision a reality. Help us bring our teaching spaces into the modern age.

There are three ways your generosity can support our modern vision for Anderson High School's Performing Arts Departments.

Donate: We gratefully welcome Donations at any level, at any time. Top-tier Donors will be honored on our Donor Wall of Fame, proudly displayed with bronze, silver, and gold musical notes to celebrate their level of support:

Bronze: $250 - $499, Silver$500 - $2,499, and Gold $2,500 and above.

Purchase Seat Plates: Make your mark on Titus Auditorium for years to come. Each metal seat plate will be etched with the text you provide, and installed on the armrest of a seat in Titus Auditorium. This is a unique and very personal way to share your devotion to AHS Performing Arts.

Combination Donation/Seat Place Purchase: Our strongest supporters may add a seat plate purchase to their donation, allows them to access prime locations in the front section of the auditorium for seat plate purchase. (Donations must be given at the time of seat plate purchase in order to access these specialty donor rows.)

The seat plate sale begins now and ends April 29, 2024!

Note on seat plate location: When you purchase your seat plates, you will be asked for your preferred seat location(s). USE THE SEATING CHART IMAGE ABOVE TO PREPARE YOUR CHOICES (Click to enlarge). This chart will not be visible once you are entering information in the order form. Please note that certain rows are reserved for certain donor levels.

Your final seats will be assigned by our staff on a first come, first served basis, once we receive your order, location preferences, and your possible donation. You will be notified of your seat plate locations as soon as possible.

Anderson High School
7560 Forest Road
Cincinnati,OH 45255
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Event Dates
May 31
Apr 29